How to Talk to I.T.

Slowly, with lots of TLAs (three letter acronyms). The key to talking with IT is to first understand a bit about computers.  Now think through what you you’re trying to achieve: What do you want vs what do you need?  The business side typically has a lot of things it’s looking for.  What is absolutely […]

Finding a Great (Banking) Relationship

Part I: Treasury Services. Treasury is simple, right?  It’s the mechanics of money in and money out, and it all reconciles to cash in the bank.  While treasury is fundamentally simple, the technical details can be confusing and the most important decision criteria for finding and choosing a great banking partner are often not obvious. […]

Computers: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Computers can do amazing things, but in fact, they’re only good at a few things.  Of course, the things that they’re good at, they’re really good at, and fast.  On the flip side, the things that they’re bad at, they’re really bad at, but hey, they’re fast! The Good: Storing information, displaying information, adding numbers […]

NPV and DCF and WACC, Oh My!

Net Present Value explained. Which would you prefer someone to give you: one dollar today or a dollar a year from now?  Of course the answer is “today”: one could take the dollar today, put it in a savings account and wind up with more than a dollar in a year.  While the answer to […]

The Process Engineering Hammer

Process is a wonderful thing.  In moderation.  At its best, process helps answers the question: If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?  At its worst, process can stifle company growth and innovation. How many times have you seen this happen in a company?  Early […]